Adalah teks yang isinya mendiskripsikan sesuatu/seseorang secara spesifik.
Description berisi :
Description berisi :
Gambaran dari fenomena yang akan didiskusikan seperti bagian-bagiannya, kebiasaan atau tingkah laku jika benda hidup, kegunaannya jika non natural.
Generic structurenya :
1. Identification
2. Description
Identification berisi :
Identifikasi tentang topik yang akan dideskripsikan.
Misalnya :
I have many pets, but my favourite one is a cat.
Description berisi :
Deskripsi rinci tentang bagian-bagiannya.
Misalnya tentang physical appearance (ciri-ciri fisik), sifat - sifatnya (characteristics), dll.
Descriptive memang biasa menggunakan Simple Present Tense karena teks ini memang mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara nyata, apa adanya. Dan memang salah satu ciri kebahasaan dalam teks Descriptive adalah mengunakan Simple Present Tense.
Description tujuan komunikatif :
Menggambarkan ciri-ciri benda tersebut, misalnya : berasal dari mana, warnanya, ukurannya, kesukaannya, dsb.
Deskripsi ini hanya memberikan informasi mengenai benda atau orang tertentu yang sedang dibahas saja, misalnya deskripsi tentang ‘My Dog’. Ciri-ciri ‘anjing saya’ tersebut dapat berbeda dengan anjing yang lain.Example :
useful to explain in detail about its parts, physical, hobbies, etc. daily.
we need a descriptive to know how the state or condition of a living being or a particular object.
it's really useful we can imagine what disribed and the result is detail.
I agree with the statement samsul pack in his blog.
That indeed we need in their daily activities as a means of communication, in terms of descriptive an inanimate object or vice versa.
Then, through this descriptive can find an explanation of an object and its characteristics.
Well, I think this is enough, thank you.
I agree with pembahasaan discriptive above. Because we gunakkan discriptive indeed in everyday life and draw her body characteristics. and it was done intentionally or unintentionally. perhaps many of my and thanks
I agree with the statement Mr. Samsul, because i think the statement can be add knowledge,for communication in daily activity, and it's very useful to describes the information about the object or person.
thank you. :)
I agree with Mr. samsul, because we can learn to explain the characteristics of an object or person.
so many comments from me, thank you.,.,
I am very happy with Mr. Samsul this article, because this article teaches about to describe something / someone specific.
I agree with Mr. samsul, because it can more easily communicate in their daily activities.
This article is good.
Thank you.
This article is very good, because this article teaches us to be able to describe and identify a person or an object
and can help the everyday communication
thanks for the article,,,,,: D
sorry sir samsul my first comment was wrong
I agree with the statement on this blog
descriptive can help us to identify an object. example descriptions or characteristics of objects
other than that descriptive language we can add insight in the English language
I think it is enough
thank you
I am very agree with the article above.
because of the above articles are very interesting
and I also feel like learning more about description.
I am very interested to learn what is in the above article
with mixed language that makes amused, very interesting to learn
yes, in my opinion was "very cool"
maybe anyone who saw or learned would be interested in a different language display with other blogs.
maybe this could be the inspiration to inspire the spirit of learning with an interesting mix of language
I agree with your article Mr. Samsul, because it is very useful to explain in detail about the object and being a person and communication in daily life.
ok this is my comments.
thank you ...
I agree with the statement on this blog
descriptive language we can add insight in the English language I thought was pretty thank you
I agree with Mr. samsul. The descriptive text is useful in daily life. All people need this for describe the characteristics of an object or person or other.
I was very impressed with the article Mr.samsul will use all the time and I hope your article can be useful for all of us
Among my comments.
thank you ...
I am very interested to learn about the description
because by knowing about the description, we can describe all things, such as
* attractions
* use an object
* the nature and characteristics of a person
* etc.
I was very impressed with the article Mr.samsul will use all the time and I hope your article can be useful for all of us
Among my comments.
thank you ...
I agree with the discussion of mr. samsul because we can know how to describe and identify the topics that will be stratified
This discussion is necessary because it is useful to describe a sentence when necessary
description is, a sentence that describes an object, or person. we often find sentence description, when someone wants to describe an object or person.
I agree with Mr. Syamsul article, because this article may be useful for everyday communication and can be used also to describe a person or object. I think this is enough, thank you .........]
i like this article..
i agree with the article .
because this article contains many knowledge .
Awee.. agree with the article above :D n i will moreee to learn 'bout "descriptive text" at home..
thnx mr.sam, for ur article :)
thank you sir for the above explanation
descriptive is essential for life
descriptive phenomenon that will be discussed as its parts, a habit or behavior if the object of life, its usefulness if non-natural.
Thank you for information for the descriptive text,sir..........
thank you for your information about descriptive text. because this text is very usefull for me.........
Ok Sir... This Usefull for me ... Heheheh
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