In English, an adjective usually comes before the noun it pertains to (for example, a red apple or a cute cat.).
Adjectives can be classified into many categories. In English, adjectives are generally used in the order: quantity-->opinion-->size-->age-->shape-->color-->origin-->material-->purpose. Some of these categories are (roughly in the order in which adjectives are used in English):
If you want to study more about adverb, you can Click here
sir, thank you for the material provided on this blog, the words are clear enough, but still many difficult words to understand, and I still do not understand about the categorization of adjectives and adjective order in, , please be clarified, thanks for attention :-)
sir, thank you for the material provided on this blog, the words are clear enough, but still many difficult words to understand, and I still do not understand about the categorization of adjectives and adjective order in, , please be clarified, thanks for attention :-)
Mr. samsul thanks ,,,,,,,
for giving the material as much as possible on the blog Mr. Samsul.
Mr. ssamsul, I want to explain a lot of class material.
Will I be able to take the material on the blog Mr. Samsul?
Because it is very useful for me.
once again thank you for giving many materi.Samsul ......
thank you very much .... :)
sir, thank you for your material.
thanks to this I can understand the things that I do not understand. and thanks to this blog samsul pack, I can find out what sajatentang English. thank you very much sir ...
Thank you Mr. Samsul
because it has provided enough material for me..
Maybe if there is time, may I take the material on your blog?
Because I will assemble them into a book of knowledge.
In order for me to understand it easily, should Mr. Samsul explain it in class.
Thank you sir ....... ^_^
andini 7 C
mr.samsul thank you for this blog because thanks to your blog my knowledge about the nature of a growing area. you make me understand about the adjective more
sir thank you for blessing blog blogs because I samsul pack so knew about the nature,
but I do not understand because the pack samsul not explain
if you try to explain while playing the game would be more exciting
please explain
before I render thanks.
because Mr. Samsul has given us material.
with this material we can learn
We also better understand.
In addition, I also can retrieve these materials.
And also studied this material at home.
With this material we are much easier to learn
Mr.samsul also good material easy to understand.
your blog is very good
Thanks Mr.Samsuls….!!
Because there is this blog , I can be the topic on adjective.
In here,all of which I have not understand become understand.
many,many science I get in here,,,,!
and in here I get useful knowledge.
Addition,in here many topic,for example:nouns,adjective exc
This blog,very-very clear,but more cleary if explain again.
once again I say thanks…………!!!!!!!!
thanks sir for this blog!
many words are difficult to understand, and I still do not understand about the categorization of adjectives and adjective order in,, please explain, thank you for your attention.
Ilham Nur Nugroho 7C
thank you .......
sir... for this blog, because of this blog I can add my knowledge of adjectives. and I can learn more with this blog
thank's mr.samsul for this blog, i can understand and because of this blog can also help me in learning.
Samsul pack thanks for the information that has been the father to say. and I will learn about adjectives. I will be better than half of 1 pray sir!!
Sir, thank you for the information. From this blog, it can add to knowledge about the use of nouns. It would be better, if in every matter, given the vidoetape. If necessary, the video model is the students themselves SMPN 1 BWI. So, do not search from the internet, or someone else as a model of the video. Once again, thank you sir.
Thank you for the material, Mr. samsul.
This blog is making me more to know about adjectives.
Hopefully this blog useful to readers.
Thank you Mr. samsul.
Thanks to my blog to understand more about adjectives.
Hopefully this blog useful to readers.
And hopefully many of which came this blog.
assallamuallaikum Wr. Wb.
thank you sir for the material is about Adjectives. although this was just a little. but clear and detailed explanation. It makes me understand and easy to understand. it was added with the other links. Sir please plus Adjectives dictionary. I think it's enough of my coment
wasalmuallaikum Wr.Wb
thank you sir for this blog. I already knew about adjectiv said. If I may beg blog comment before plus more, and given the material persipan matter test for 2nd semester thanks wassalamualaikum.wr.wb
thanks a lot thanks to this blog I become more understood
thanks a lot thanks to this blog I become more understood.i verry like with your blog because after I read this blog I am more aware.if it were the words that are less pleasing beg forgiveness.thanks a lot,sir! ^_^ ?
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